Lo CASE Grants

The Low Carbon Across the South and East (LoCASE) programme provides businesses with a grant (that doesn’t have to be paid back) of up to £10,000.

LoCASE is delivered for Clean Growth UK members in Sussex through our South East Hub, the University of Brighton’s Green Growth Platform.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible, you must:

  • Employ 250 employees or fewer
  • Have an annual turnover of £44M or less and an annual balance sheet of £38M or less
  • If another firm owns more than a quarter of your company, they must meet the above criteria too


For environmentally-focused businesses

If your business offers low carbon (or “green”) products or services you can apply for a LoCASE Business Development Grant. This includes businesses supporting their customers to decarbonise the energy system, improve energy or resource efficiency, and those helping to preserve or enhance the natural environment.

We’ve helped a wide range of businesses get grants, including those supplying renewable energy, energy storage and energy efficiency products, manufacturers, green architects and builders, recycling and re-use businesses, environmental advisors and consultants, and many more.


For other types of business

You can still apply for a LoCASE Energy Efficiency grant, for projects such as LED lighting, insulation, heating or machinery upgrades, or renewable energy systems. Please note that grants over £5,000 will need to deliver more significant results than lower value projects.


What can I buy?

The grant can cover 40% of expenditure towards your business growth, up to £10,000


Any type of business

  • Energy efficiency and other environmental improvements
  • Used electric vehicles
  • Projects that reduce waste materials or water
  • Renewables for energy/heat generation


Environmentally-focused businesses

  • Plant, equipment & machinery
  • Materials and equipment for research and development
  • Facilities hire e.g. specialist lab facilities for testing
  • Product development and research
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Website development costs
  • IT software
  • Certification and accreditation
  • Used electric vehicles
  • Energy efficiency and other environmental improvements


How do I apply?

Applying for LoCASE money is simple…

  1. Contact us to discuss your plans and what you’d like to buy.
  2. We’ll help you complete the forms. You need to get two quotes for each item on your list, to ensure value for money.
  3. Once your application is approved, you order and pay for each item.
  4. You submit proof of all your purchases, and the grant is paid, usually within 30 days.

See below for what the government does when you apply for your Lo CASE grant